BMS (Baptist Missionary Society)

BMS is a Christian mission organisation, working in around 34 countries on four continents. Its aim is to share life in all its fullness with the world's peoples by:
Enabling them to know Christ
Alleviating suffering and injustice
Improving the quality of life 
with people as the primary agents of change - motivating, training, sending and resourcing them.
BMS works among some of the most marginalised and least evangelised people, as well as those forced to flee home, in some of the most fragile places on earth. BMS works through long, medium and short-term workers, teams and volunteers, as well as a large number of supported national partner workers around the world, providing people, funding, training and expertise.
BMS delivers mission through six distinct ministries: church, development, education, health, justice and leadership.

Rickmansworth Baptist Church supports the BMS through the Birthday Scheme, special events and by committing itself to give a minimum sum each financial year.

If you would like to make a Gift Aid declaration with your giving to BMS, please go to the web site or contact the Treasurer.







Keith Wall, 21/10/2010